Franciscan Spiritual Center
Spiritual Direction fosters an individual’s personal, intimate relationship with God. It is companionship given to one person (the directee) by another person (the director) which enables the directee to pay more attention to God’s presence and activity in his or her life.
By appointment only and has sliding fee structure of $60-100 per hour.
Why is Spiritual Direction helpful?
Spiritual direction is helpful because it enables the directee to focus on and to articulate her or his experience of God in the myriad and mysterious ways in which God is present: – in prayer and in the sacred writings of various faith traditions – in people and human relationships – in the natural beauty of creation – in the wonders inherent in the ordinary events of daily life. In exploring these experiences and the feelings connected with them, the directee can again encounter the mystery of God and God’s loving call at even deeper levels.
Who offers Spiritual Direction?
Spiritual direction is a ministry offered by someone:
• who is committed to her or his own ongoing and developing relationship with God
• who is called to this ministry by others seeking spiritual guidance
• who has been trained in a variety of ways inclusive of spirituality, theology and psychology
• who is certified to accompany others in their search for the Holy One.
When is Spiritual Direction appropriate? Spiritual direction is appropriate for anyone with a personal commitment to prayer, but especially:
• when one desires to deepen an already existing relationship with God
• when one is experiencing a significant transition or loss
• when one’s prayer life seems stagnant or “stuck”
• when one is discerning critical life choices
• when one’s vague restlessness leads to a search for something more. In exploring these experiences and the feelings connected with them, the directee can again encounter the mystery of God and God’s loving call at even deeper levels.