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Donate Now

Image by Álvaro Serrano
Legacy Gifts and Bequests

Your giving can make a difference in the lives of individuals who are yet to come to the Franciscan Spiritual Center. By including the Franciscan Spiritual Center in your will or bequest, you bless new people  with the guidance and support needed for these challenging times.  

Contact us at for more information.


Our Charitable Tax Exempt Status

The Franciscan Spiritual Center is a sponsored ministry of the Sisters of St Francis of Philadelphia (Federal Tax ID 23-1352545). We are registered to do business in Oregon as the Franciscan Spiritual Center. We are a faith based 501c(3) and we will provide you with a charitable giving receipt for your tax deduction purposes. There are three options for giving.

  1. Make a check payable to the Franciscan Spiritual Center and mail it to PO Box 144, 3159 Furman Drive, Marylhurst, Oregon 97036. (EIN 23-1352545)

  2. Make a donation online.


  3. Make a check payable to the Sisters of St Francis of Philadelphia and include in the memo line “for the benefit of 

      FSC-West” and mail to 609 S Convent Rd, Aston, PA 19014. (EIN 23-2784568)


Generally donors give directly to the Franciscan Spiritual Center, but if you are making a gift through a donor advised fund, IRA, brokerage account, or you are setting up an estate bequest, you may wish to do so through the Sisters of St Francis (SOSF) Foundation, which is the same as the #3 above. When doing so, please designate any gifts for the benefit of “FSC-West” or the “Franciscan Center in Portland.”


Please contact us if you have any questions: (503) 794-8542 or
And, if you are giving through the Foundation, it is helpful if you let us know so we may better track the gift.

Franciscan Spiritual Center

PO Box 144

3159 Furman Dr

Marylhurst, Oregon 97036


Front Office Hours: M-Th 9am - 2pm

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