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Franciscan Hermitage Experience

Franciscan Hermitage is a retreat experience of silence and solitude within community. Inspired by the gospel story of Martha and Mary, Francis and Clare originally envisioned a pathway for their community to integrate action and contemplation in their lives. To this end, Francis wrote guidelines for this experience which he called his “Rule for Hermitage.” We follow this rule during our time together. From the delicious food to the lush 67 acres of the Alton Collins Retreat Center, this retreat provides protected time for deepening our relationship with the Divine and being held in the luxury of God’s Extravagant Love.


Throughout the long weekend, we will gather for contemplative prayer. This includes reflections on Franciscan core values and the sharing of the stories from the lives of Francis and Clare. We will have times in which you will be invited to share. The remainder of the time in Franciscan Hermitage is for individual solitude, a time devoted to prayer for oneself, prayer for each other, and prayer for the world. Time and supplies are provided for creative endeavors of prayer. As a retreatant, you are encouraged to listen to how you are being called to integrate a Franciscan call into your own life. Franciscan Hermitage emphasizes drawing close to God as individuals and as a community.


In a creative interpretation of Francis’ rule for Hermitage, in 1996 Sister Mary Jo Chaves, a Franciscan Sister, developed a retreat that applies the spirit of the Hermitage to our world today. Connie Isgro and Terry Cappiello are co-facilitators with Sr Mary Jo and have participated in many Hermitage retreats over the years.


This year’s Hermitage will take place November 22-25, 2024.

Location:  Alton Collins Retreat Center in Eagle Creek, Oregon

Cost:      $600 double shared room

               $700 single room


Space is limited. Please register by contacting Sr Mary Jo Chaves at or (503) 794-8542 before using this link to pay for either the non-refundable deposit or full payment for the retreat

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