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Paula Gamble-Grant

Peace and All Good

Peacemaking is one of the essential, core values of being Franciscan. Consequently, and to no one's surprise, it is one of the core values of our center. It was the habit of Francis to greet everyone with peace and if you take a trip to Assisi, you’ll find both the Latin Pax et Bonum (peace and good) and the Italian Pace e Bene everywhere: It is a gentle reminder that in the midst of a world full of factions and unrest, God’s peace and good was - and is - fully present in all of creation.

Is this reminder and blessing of peace and good needful today?

I think we’d all heartily agree, Yes!

  • But how do we do this?

  • What blocks us from living with peace?

  • And in what ways can we cultivate both inner and outer peace in our fractured and anxious modern world?

Over the next few months, many of our staff at the center will be offering each of our perspectives on being a peacemaker in the world. We hope to cultivate peace and value your interactions with us on this subject! We also hope that you enjoy getting to know our hearts a little bit more and that together, our footsteps will be reminders to look for the deep peace and good of God in our world today.

What helps you cultivate peace in your own life?

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