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Franciscan Season of Giving

Between the feast days of St Clare and St Francis (August 11 and October 4), we ask for your support in raising funds to meet our obligations and dream about the future.


In this season of prayer, discernment, and reflecting on the gifts of community, we share some of the voices of the Franciscan Spiritual Center. Our aim is to name what happens in this community and how we perceive its value. We hope it engages you and motivates you to support us. We hope it encourages you to pay attention to what is sacred in your life.


To make a charitable donation to the Franciscan Spiritual Center, you may:

Mail a check payable to Franciscan Spiritual Center, PO Box 144, Marylhurst, OR 97036


Use a credit card using our online portal.

Join our Spiritual Direction Training Program

A new cohort begins February.
Apply now.

The Franciscan Spiritual Center offers a two year program of discernment, formation, and training in community. The wellspring from which we draw is Franciscan, meaning we approach the art of spiritual direction from a contemplative, curious, joyous recognition of the goodness at the heart of the relationship between the human person and the Divine.


We are updating our website. We're halfway through our revisions. Check us out using the Navigation Menu at the top of the page.

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